Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bouldering and Slacklining: My Summer

It really has been turning out to be quite a wonderful summer. Time spent outdoors among the tall trees, fresh air and granite. Ok there's been a bit of sandstone in there too. I've made a few trips to Yosemite to play on boulders that began calling to me during my trip there in March. Only then I was in a cast with a broken wrist and still snowshoed out to run my fingers over the cold rock that would have my chalky fingers all over it in a few months. I couldn't resist the call.

I have spent a massive amount of time indoors climbing at Diablo Rock in Concord. I took the plunge and bought a membership. My strength has grown tremendously as well as my skill and technique, leaving me with a sense of accomplishment. My religious trips to the climbing gym helped me focus when some shit in my life got turned upside down for a minute. It helped me focus only on what I was doing while my fingers gripped the holds and I had to solve problems that were worth solving. I really did learn to let go of real problems that I had no control over. Bouldering/climbing has given me back a part of myself I think I had lost, maybe I had yet to uncover it.

I suppose I shouldn't allow my bouldering to get all the credit for my peace at heart and strength. Slacklining is my new true love among the others. I started out feeling so shaky and like it would be impossible for me to ever walk on a thin piece of tubular webbing. Well I persevered and after a week and half I was feeling confident in my newly developed skill.